Gringo Beet & Lentil Tacos

Gringo Beet and Lentil Tacos

If you asked my husband what his favorite meal on the entire planet is, he wouldn’t waste a second with his response: tacos. I swear his most treasured nights consist of us blasting Bad Bunny, whipping up a batch of margaritas and dancing to the rhythm while curating colorful tacos creations. Before embracing our plant-based lifestyle, we loved Gringo Beef tacos… So much flavor slammed into such a small package! With this in mind, I concocted a vegan alternative that still gives the same, if not more, flavor. I’m proud to announce to the Cream of the Kale world my Gringo Beet & Lentil tacos. You get the protein from the lentils with the color and texture from the beets. My family swore up and down these were better than real beef and for any plant based cook, you know that’s the money shot!



  • 3 medium Beets (roughly chopped in a food processor)

    • Quick Tip: Use a bag of frozen beets instead to avoid the red mess!

  • 1 14.5oz can Black Lentils, strained and rinsed

  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil

  • 1/2 tablespoon Garlic Powder

  • 1/2 tablespoon Cumin

  • 1/2 tablespoon Chili Powder

  • 1/4 tablespoon Oregano

  • 1/4 tablespoon Smoked Paprika

  • 1/4 tablespoon Salt

  • 1/4 tablespoon Coriander

  • Corn Tortillas

  • Water when needed to deglaze pan


  • Pico de Gallo (tomatoes, red onion, cilantro, salt, lime juice - mixed)

  • Pickled Radish (radish soaked in equal parts water and vinegar for at least 30 minutes)

  • Avocado, cubed

  • Vegan Queso

Heat olive oil in a large skillet then add all ingredients into pan. Saute until the beets are cooked and all flavors are marinated. Once cooked, add to warmed corn tortillas and top with all the goodies. Enjoy!

Share your taco creations with me on Instagram by tagging @creamofthekale!


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