Mexican Lentil Salad

When the weather is warm and breezy, I find myself diving into the fridge for all the fresh ingredients to make a cool and refreshing recipe. With a little bit of this and a bundle of that, I landed on this Mexican Lentil Salad to feed my cravings for something crispy, flavor-packed and perfectly crunchy! If you’re as big of a fan as me for a tasty treat that goes well on a chip (or as a salad on a bed of arugula * yum * ), this is the perfect recipe for you.




  • 1 can lentils, strained and rinsed

  • 2 mini cucumbers, diced

  • 1/2 large red pepper, diced

  • 1/2 medium red onion, diced

  • 1/2 jalapeno, diced (can add full jalapeno if ya feelin spicy!)

  • 3 tbsp chopped cilantro

  • juice of 2 limes

  • 2 tsp avocado oil

  • 1/4 tsp salt

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl then let sit for at least 30 minutes before serving. Enjoy with tortilla chips as a dip or on top of a bed of greens for a delicious salad!

Share your Mexican Lentil Salad with me by tagging @creamofthekale on Instagram!


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